Wednesday, 12 August 2015



Did you know that sorghum/corn meal porridge is the staple food of most Botswana meals which is reffered to as Bogobe in their language, people wake up just to have a thinner version of porridge, sometimes enriched with soured milk and/or sugar and tea.Bogobe is also taken with meat and vegetables for dinner meals,and the evening meals in Botswana include; tea and buttered bread for most of the people while others take midday leftovers as their supper.Rice is considered as the most expensive meal and is associated with the Europeans.

Meat meals in Botswana include;Beef,Mutton,Chicken, Caterpillar(phane),mophane worms and other various wild game animals.Beef is most consumed followed by Goat meat and Chicken, the traditional grown chicken is more preffered than the commercial grown chicken such that when a visitor is served with it he/she gives hospitality.

Popular dishes include;Serobe in which intestines and some inside parts of goats,sheeps,or cow are cooked until soft if the animal is sheep/goat ,the troffers are included.seswaa,or chotlho is very popular meat dish made for most special occassions usually prepared by men,it is cooked in a three-legged iron pot, simmered until soft,with only salt and water.Marula and Watermelons which is believed that it is originally from Botswana and plentiful in season.There are wild melons found in sandy desert areas which are important food and water source for the people who live in those areas.Many vegetables here are seasonal and are often dried or salted for presevation.


                                                                                                             BY AMWAYI MAURINE

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